
News and updates from the Nest Collective.

The Nest Collective is a multidisciplinary collective living and working in Nairobi, Kenya.

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The Nairobi Nominees for the What Design Can Do Clean Energy Challenge!

Last year we partnered with What Design Can Do to spread the word about their annual design challenge, which was focusing on Clean Energy and taking entries from 5 global cities: Mexico City, Delhi, São Paolo, Amsterdam and Nairobi!

By the end of the open call, approximately 80 projects had been entered for the Nairobi City briefing that focused on improving the food supply and energy conservation issues in the city. After a rigorous selection process, 3 projects were nominated for the Student Track, 3 projects for the Professional Track and 7 projects for the Startup Track.

We would like to thank all who entered the challenge and also congratulate the nominees. To find out the 13 selected nominees from Nairobi, please view the What Design Can Do Website here.

The 13 selected entries have just completed the ‘Improve” stage, where they received feedback on their projects and were able to refine their ideas and resubmit them. These will then be judged and finalists selected for the final presentation. Winners shall be announced in Mexico at the annual challenge conference in March 2019.

All the best to the Nairobi Nominees!