
News and updates from the Nest Collective.

The Nest Collective is a multidisciplinary collective living and working in Nairobi, Kenya.

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DASH Festival 2: Patricia Kihoro x Jason Runo, Sound Clash

Join us for a sound clash that’s all about love! Jason and Patricia bring their love of music, comedy and improv to this tongue-in-cheek look at love in the big city. Mapenzi Nairobi- Per Person Sharing is a wry musical journey from first blush to heartache.

Patricia is a Kenyan-based singer, actress, radio presenter, event host, emcee, digital content creator and improv comedian who loves coffee, travel, music, performance and riding around Nairobi on her scooter, or bodaboda. She loves to celebrate African brands, innovators, art and culture with a strong bias towards music. On her social media platforms she shares about life and all the things she encounters as she journeys through it while also showcasing all the things she enjoys. Patricia aims to have everyone who visits her pages leave with good vibes and energy and having learnt something new.

Jason Runo is a stage performer who when not EMCeeing and cracking ribs on stage, will be found exploring cultures and changing lives through his travel escapades. Although a jack of multiple trades, he has grown to be a master of his crafts, all which feed into his passion to connect with people from all backgrounds. In 2014, Jason founded East Africa’s first improv comedy show “Because You Said So!”. Popularly known as BYSS, the show involves a cast of actors improvising skits, scenarios and stories on the fly before a live audience. He has also recently started beekeeping.