
Let This Be A Warning—A VR Short Film (2017)

Let This Be A Warning—A VR Short Film

If black worlds exist(ed), would you be welcome in them? The Nest Collective's first entry into virtual reality—presented by Electric South and the Goethe Institut as part of the New Dimensions project—Let This Be A Warning explores a future in which a group of Africans have left Earth to create a colony on a distant planet. They respond with disquiet to the arrival of an uninvited guest.

Festival Screenings—

Encounters Film Festival, London, UK
New Dimensions: Virtual Reality Africa, Berlinale Africa Hub, Berlin International Film Festival, Germany
Festival del Cinema Africano, d’Asia e America Latina, Milan, Italy
World VR Forum Festival, Geneva, Switzerland
Dev Days 2017, Brussels, Belgium
Encounters South African International Film Festival, South Africa
New Dimensions: Virtual Reality Africa, Goethe-Institut Nairobi, Kenya
Re:publica, Berlin, Germany


Production Credits—

Presented by Electric South and Goethe Institut
Supported by Big World Cinema, Bertha Foundation and Blue Ice Docs
Created and Produced by the Nest Collective
Starring: Marrianne Nungo, Jason Runo, Jesse Mutakiwa,
David Mukabi, Daniel Masheti, Nelvin Chuma and Ian Gichora